The Three Chairs: Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs

Session One


Session Two

You probably have all kinds of chairs in your house. Bruce Wilkinson uses the image of the chair to illustrate different levels of commitment to Christ. A careful study of these categories reveals that most Christians today have compromised their faith and live a life based on a worldly view of success.

The visual model of the three chairs will help you understand where your life choices have taken you and what you can do if you desire to break through to spiritual growth.

The Lack of Answered Prayers or Miracles

Ever wonder why your prayers are not being answered? Perhaps you watch other believers experience miraculous intervention, yet you never seem to get through.  Could it be that you’ve missed something deeply necessary for answered prayer? After all, in Mark 11:24, Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

In this brief segment, taken from the course 70X7: Finding Peace by Forgiving Others… And Yourself, Session 7, Bruce Wilkinson show how Jesus gives a surprising precondition for answered prayer in Mark 11:25:  And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

Survey of the Bible: The Genesis-Revelation Comparison

Genesis and Revelation are the two bookends of the Bible. Genesis is the book of the world’s beginnings, while Revelation is the book of the unveiling of the world’s future. As Bruce points out in this teaching segment taken from the upcoming course, SURVEY OF THE BIBLE: Understanding the Books, Places, Story, People, and Periods, the first three chapters of the Bible outline the introduction of sin into perfect creation, and the last three chapters of the Bible outline the cleansing of sin from redeemed creation.

Survey of the Bible:  How Did God Reveal the Bible to Man?


Is the Bible an accurately transmitted record or just a human invention? In this brief teaching segment taken from the upcoming course, SURVEY OF THE BIBLE: Understanding the Books, Places, Story, People, and Periods, Bruce Wilkinson answers that question. He shows that words in the Bible were divinely God-breathed and written by real people, living in real places, recording real historical events, and also communicating God's real truths.