Do you need help downloading or accessing streamed content from TEN's online store? See below!

Free digital downloads:
To receive a free item with the link you received by email:

  1. Follow the link in the email. The item will be automatically added to your TEN online store shopping cart and a discount will be applied that will allow you to receive the item for free.
  2. If you have a TEN online store account:
    a. If you are not logged in - follow the login link to login.
    b. Once you are logged in - the email link will take you to a 'Payment Method' screen where you will see that your order is free.
    c. You may return to the online store to add items and check-out as desired with payment due for items that are not free - or you may click the 'Complete Order' button to access the download.
  3. If you do not yet have a TEN online store account - the email link will take you to a 'Customer Information' screen where you can create an online account. Access to digital downloads and streamed content requires creation of an online account so that you may return to your TEN online store digital content at any time.
    a. Fill in your information and click 'Continue to Payment Method'
    b. If free item(s) are the only items in your shopping cart, you will see 'Your order is free. No payment is required.' on the 'Payment Method'.
    c. You may return to the online store and check-out as desired with payment due for items that are not free - or you may click the 'Complete Order' button to access the download.
  4. After you have completed the order the free item will be available for immediate download via the 'Access Digital Content' button and a link will be emailed to the email address you used when you created your account.

Streamed Purchased and Downloadable Purchased Content:
TEN's online store provides a way for you to create an account on order completion so that you may return to the digital content you've purchased at any time. When you complete and pay for your order, you are presented with an 'Access Digital Content' button that will allow you to access your content immediately. In addition, the online store will send an order confirmation email to the email address associated with your account that contains a link to access your account history. Your account history contains a link to your digital purchased content.

Upon creation of an account you selected a password and the system will send a verification email to the email address you provided. You will need to verify your email address with the online store.

If you have shopped with TEN's online store in the past you may already have an account and can login at anytime to retrieve your account history as well as access download files you have purchased previously. Just use the same login credentials you used when you created your account. If ever you forget your password, just follow the 'login' link on the top left of the shop screen and then follow the 'forgot password' link below the 'sign-in' button to retrieve instructions to reset your password.