Escape the Ordinary

Escape the Ordinary

Retail Price: $ 34.00 | Ships Next Business Day.

You Were Born for This!

Escape the Ordinary is based on the powerful book, You Were Born for This, by New York Times Best-selling author and teacher, Bruce Wilkinson. In this groundbreaking course, Bruce reveals how to experience the miraculous intervention of God as an everyday occurrence.

In his creative, story-driven, highly motivating style, Bruce reveals how you can recognize God’s promptings, learn the “protocols of heaven” and see God move through extraordinary ministry opportunities He sets up.

Escape the Ordinary. Informative. Motivating. Life-changing. You will never be the same.

Read below to get a taste of the sessions you will be watching in this inspiring course:

Session 1: Enlightenment: God Sends Angels on Missions

In this first session, Bruce reveals what the Bible says about “enlightenment” and opens our eyes to the activity in the spiritual realm. You’ll be encouraged and strengthened to see how God dispatches angels to help us fulfill our mission on Earth.

Session 2: Enlightenment: God Sends People on Missions

Mission opportunities are all around us every day and everywhere. God exposes us to those opportunities all the time. He has ministry and mission activity planned for each of us to do, and He has provided everything we need in order to be successful.

Session 3: Enlightenment: You Were Born to Be Sent on Missions

God created you for “good works,” which He prepared for you to do, for Him and with Him. You were born for this very purpose! And He will reward you in the present, and in eternity, on the basis of how you fulfill these missions.

Session 4: Enlightenment: You Can Volunteer for a Divine Mission

God continuously seeks for mission volunteers. We can “escape the ordinary” by asking God to use us and, working together with Him, fulfill His mission assignments. The challenge is to say, like Isaiah, “Here am I, Lord. Send me!”

Session 5: The 5 Operations of Mission Central

This session peeks ‘behind the veil’ into the spiritual dimension to show us how Heaven and Earth cooperate functionally to meet needs. Bruce uses creative methods to help break down the layout of “mission central” and reveal how we can partner with the Holy Spirit to complete the assignment.

Session 6: The 4 Participants in Every Mission

God is a God of order and can be depended on. In this session you will learn the 4 participants in every mission and clarify the role and expectations of each one. Discover how to overcome fear and become a successful delivery agent.

Session 7: The 5 Signals in Every Mission

In one of the most fun sessions of the series, Bruce reveals the ‘secret language’ that takes place in missions – he calls them signals. As you learn and practice listening for these signals, they become second nature. 

Session 8: The 5 Steps in Every Mission

Bruce reveals a logical and predictable progression of steps that occur as you actively depend upon the Spirit. Learning the 5 steps can make your job as a Delivery Agent so much easier and will maximize the results both on Earth and in Heaven.

Closing Review: Highlights of Sessions 1-8

In this video, Bruce reviews the highlights of Sessions 1-8 to further impress them upon your memory.

Click here to order the US version.
Two workbooks are included in U.S. orders.
Click here to order the International version. Workbooks not included.

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Inspirational Poster

This "Embrace Extraordinary" printable PDF inspirational poster contains two print sizes: 8x11 inches and 11x17 inches. It is framable and printable at home or professionally. A simple reminder to "Embrace the Extraordinary" every day!

Inspirational Quotes Poster

Download this poster containing quotes related to the Escape the Ordinary video course. It consists of one PDF document containing a printable poster in two sizes, 8x11 inches and 11x17 inches.


The Master Key PDF Booklet

This booklet includes an excerpt from Bruce Wilkinson's book You Were Born For This that is used as the basis for the Teach Every Nation Escape The Ordinary course. It provides a sample of the training packed into the full Escape The Ordinary course! It's titled "The Master Key" because it unlocks how to be sent on Divine Missions. The download consists of a 15 page booklet in PDF format.

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Teach Every Nation

“Go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” – Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

 There is a significant need for Bible training among pastors and disciple-makers in the Global South. Teach Every Nation (TEN) is equipping the global Church with lifechanging Bible training. Through TEN training centers, pastors are being equipped to impact their churches and communities with God’s Word. Since its founding, TEN has trained more than 420,000 students at over 5,000 TEN Training Centers around the world, and over 3,000 deans on its 2,500-acre training Campus on a game park in South Africa. We are inviting believers who share our heart for the global Church to join us in our mission to teach the nations.